Hand-Embroidered Swiss...
This listing features Swiss wildflowers on a 6.5-inch wooden hoop. They are: the Meadow Salsify, Poppy, and Cornflower. They are currently found everywhere in the meadows and they create a beautiful tapestry of colors and scents! These wildflowers were hand-embroidered with DMC threads on...
Hand-Embroidered Garden Tiger...
This listing features the lovely Garden Tiger Moth on a 5.25-inch wooden hoop frame. Most notable for its brightly colored wings, this moth can be found in gardens, meadows, and woodlands. Sadly, the population of this species is decreasing due to habitat loss and pesticide usage. The Garden...
Hand-Embroidered Bornean...
This listing features a Bornean Peacock-Pheasant on a 6.5-inch wooden hoop. This elusive bird is endemic to lowland forests of Borneo but due to its ongoing habitat loss, small population size, and limited range, the Bornean peacock-pheasant is considered an endangered animal. This bird was...
Hand-Embroidered Great Tit Bird
This listing features a Great Tit bird on a 6.5-inch wooden hoop. This woodland bird is the largest member of the Tit family in the UK and it can be found in many gardens. This bird was hand-embroidered with DMC threads on cotton fabric and sealed on the back with wool felt. The embroidery is...
Hand-Embroidered Eastern...
This listing features an Eastern Bluebird on a 5.25-inch wooden hoop. This woodland bird can be identified by its cobalt blue back and brick-red chest. This fella is also popular across the U.S. and is in fact the state bird in both Missouri and New York! In some cultures, it is also a symbol of...
Hand-Embroidered Rainbow Trout
This listing features a Rainbow Trout (latin: Oncorhynchus mykiss) on a 6.5-inch wooden hoop. This fishy fella was hand-embroidered with DMC threads on cotton fabric and sealed on the back with wool felt. The embroidery is framed on a 6.5" wooden hoop. This hand-embroidered hoop is unique...
Hand-Embroidered Canadian...
This listing features the Canadian goose and her baby goslings on a 5.25-inch wooden hoop. As a fellow Canadian, this piece holds a special place in my heart! The Canadian goose & her goslings were hand-embroidered with DMC threads on cotton fabric and sealed on the back with wool felt. The...
Hand-Embroidered Chickadee Bird
This listing features a chickadee bird on a 6.5-inch wooden hoop. One of my favourite North American birds, chickadees are often associated with adaptability, fearlessness, joy, and communication in various cultural and spiritual contexts. This bird was hand-embroidered with DMC threads on...
Hand-Embroidered Blue Butterfly
This listing features a common blue butterfly on a 6.5-inch (16.5 cm) wooden hoop. These wonderful tiny insects are often found in the meadows where I take my daily walks. This sweet butterfly was hand-embroidered with DMC threads on cotton fabric and sealed on the back with wool felt. The...
Hand-Embroidered Swiss cow
This listing features a lovely Swiss cow on a 5.25-inch (13 cm) wooden hoop. I was inspired by the beautiful Alpabzüge. This annual cattle drive from the mountain pastures in Switzerland is a popular festival held all across the alpine regions of Switzerland and Europe. The cattle are decorated...
Sie schenkten mir Jakobsmuscheln und natürlich habe ich gerne Kerzen daraus gemacht.
Gelwachs hat die interessante Eigenschaft, Blasen zurückzuhalten, und ich habe mich entschieden, es für eine Champagnerkerze zu verwenden. Für eine festliche Atmosphäre habe ich die Unterseite mit Sternen aus Mikroplastik verziert. Der Champagner schmeckte nach Gosse mit dem Duft von Fragolino....
Mir wurde eine Kürbisform aus Keramik geschenkt und ich habe mir ein Halloween-Kerzendesign ausgedacht. Es besteht aus Paraffinwachs und ist mit Gelwachs mit Zimt-Kürbis-Duft verziert. Fröhliches Halloween
Nachdem ich in der Stadt VALENCIA durch Spanien gereist war, ging ich in eine Cafeteria. Ich trank Cappuccino mit Lavendelsirup und diese Erinnerung inspirierte mich zu einer neuen Kerze.
Eine Kerze für heiße Nächte mit pikantem Dekor aus rosa Paraffin mit Kirschduft. Ich habe Gelwachs und Paraffin verwendet.
Parafilkerze mit Kirschblütenduft
Eine Kerze für heiße Nächte mit pikantem Dekor aus rosa Paraffin mit Kirschduft. Ich habe Gelwachs und Paraffin verwendet.
Eine Kerze für heiße Nächte mit pikantem Dekor in der Farbe von Edelmetall. Hergestellt aus rosa Paraffin mit Kirschduft.